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Antartida - "El Desierto de Cristal" de David G. Campbell - Bibliografía - Autores "R-S"

CH y LL: no se toman como letras separadas en el ordenamiento alfabético. F11, *t2, 45, 47
fuente 11, tomo 2, páginas 45, 47
Fechas: año/mes/día
Horas: AM-PM
? = dato dudoso
(?) = sin dato
Reader's Digest Antarctica: Great Stories from the Frozen Continent Sidney, Aistralia: Reader's Digest, 1985
Redon, Jorge Líquenes antárticos Santiago. Instituto Antártico Chileno, 1985
Richardson, Michael G., y Terence M. Whitaker An Antarctic Fast-Ice Food Chain: Observations on the Interaction of the Anphipod Pontogeneia antarctica Chevreux with Ice-Associated Micro-Aldae British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 1979, 47:107-15.
Roberts, Brian Chronological List of Antarctic Expeditions Polar Record, 1958, 9(59): 97-134; 9(60): 191-239
Ross, James Clark A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions During the Years 1839-43 1847. Reimpresión, 1969. Devon, Inglaterra: Reimpresiones David y Charles.
Rubin, Morton J. James Cook's Scientific Programme in the Southern Ocean, 1772-75 Polar Record, 1982, 21(130): 33-49
Ruud, Johan T. The Ice Fish Scientific American, 1965, 213(5): 108-14
Schneppenheim, R., y C.M. MacDonald Genetic Variatin and Population Structure of Krill (Euphausia superba) in the Atlantic Sector of Antarctic Waters off of the Antarctic Peninsula Polar Biology, 1984, 3: 19-28.
Schulenberger, Eric Superswarms of Antartic Krill (Euphausia superba Dana) Antarctic Journal of the United States, 1983, 18(5). 194-97
Scott, Robert Falcon Scott's Last Expedition Londres 1913, Smith Elder y Cía.
Siegfried, W.R. Birds and Mammals - Oceanic Birds of the Antarctic En ediciones de W.N. Bonner y D.W.H. Walton. Key Environments, Antarctica, pp.242-65. Oxford, 1985: Pergamon Press
Simpson, George Gaylord Penguins, Past and Present, Here and There New Haven, 1976: Prensa de la Univ. de Yale
Smith, G. Barnett The Romance of the South Pole Londres: Thomas Nelson e Hijos, 1900
Smith, R.I. Lewis The Earliest Report of a Flowering Plant in the Antarctic? Polar Record, 1981, 20:571-72
Smith, R.I. Lewis Terrestrial Plant Biology En R.M. Laws. Antarctic Ecology, vol I, pp.61-162. Londres, 1984: Prensa Académica.
Smith, R.I. Lewis Nothofagus and Other Trees Strandded on Islands in the Antartic Sector of the Southern Ocean British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 1985, 66:47-55
Smith, R.I. Lewis, y H.W. Simpson Early Nineteenth-Century Sealer's Refuges on Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 1987, 74:49-72
Smith, Thomas W. Narrative of the Life, Travels and Sufferings of Thomas W. Smith New Bedford, Mass.: William C. Hill, 1844
Somme, Laurits Terrestrial Habitats-Invertebrates En W. Bonner y D.W.H. Walton. Key Environments, Antarctica., pp.73-105. Oxford, 1985: Pergamon Press.
Spurt, E.B. Communication in the Adélie Penguins En Bernard Stonehouse. The Biology of Penguins, pp. 449-501. Londres, 1975, Macmillan
Stackpole, Edouard A. The Sea-Hunters, The New England Whalemen During Two Centuries, 1635-1835 Filadelfia: J.B. Lippincott, 1953
Stehberg, Rubén L. En torno a la autenticidad de las puntas de proyectil aborígenes descubiertas en las Islas Shetland del Sur Boletín Antártico Chileno, 1983, 3(1): 21-22
Stitching Greenpeace Council Expedition Report 1987-88 Greenpeace Antarctic Expedition, 1989, East Sussex, Inglaterra
Stone, G.S., y W.M. Hammer Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) in Gerlache Strait, Antarctica Polar Records, 1988, 24 (148): 15-20.
Stonehouse, B. Birds and Mammals-Penguins En W. Bonner y D.W.H. Walton. Key Environments, Antarctica, pp.266-92. Oxford, 1985, Pergamon Press
Stubblefield, S.P., y T.N. Taylor Fossil Fingi in Antarctic Wood Antarctic Journal of the United States 1985 Review, 7-8.



